Tuesday, May 27, 2014

It's in "the pipeline" - Day 3

27th May

Day 03

We assembled early in the morning as scheduled. After enjoying an enlightening and thought-provoking devotional lead by Pastor Ricardo and Gloria Sequiera, we gathered together by the installation site to create a list of things to buy for our system. 

Once the list was finished, we boarded a 15-passenger van and went to downtown Managua to shop for materials. The drive was rather enjoyable as the daylight exposed all the nuances of urban Nicaragua. William was our driver today, and he masterfully navigated the busy streets and got us to our various destinations, which included a number of hardware stores and Cafecito.

We returned to the Villa at around 2 o'clock in the afternoon and we got started on finishing the installation. The most pressing issue was to install a check-valve; this will keep the tank from draining in the event that the principal water supply loses pressure (which apparently, happens from time to time here in Managua).

Picture which features the spot where we had to dig and install the check valve
Amy very meticulously dug the ground around the pipe and gave us sufficient room to perform the installation of the check-value. Next, we proceeded to continue to install the necessary pipes, connectors and valves. With our trusty measuring tapes, glue, and hack-saw in hand, we worked feverishly and cautiously.

Since the Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) probe should ALWAYS be immersed in water when running, a ball valve was installed to allow water to pool at the area where the ORP probe is located

The filters are all placed and ready to be joined with the Ozonator

The results of our work today speak for themselves. Everything we need to finish the installation has been purchased and is ready for use. By the time we wrapped up our work, all we had left to do is to install the serpentine loop, connect the loop to the tank and wire up the Ozonator. In other words, the system IS coming together and in the pipelines, so to speak.

We would like to thank everyone for their support thus far, and continue to strive with us in prayer as we prepare to finish the installation. Also, we will be training the staff here at Villa Esperanza to operate the system on Friday (Day 6). Hopefully, the system would be running smoothly by then.

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